Hardworking attorney
An angry guy comes before St. Peter at the door of Heaven.
— What am I doing here! — he yells. — Look at me, I do not drink, I do not smoke, I'm in great shape. Last night I quietly lie down in my bed and now I find myself in heaven! It is certainly a mistake!
— Well... this has never happened, but I will check — says St. Peter, troubled. — What is your name ?
— Houde. Jean-Paul Houde.
— OK... And what is your profession?
— Attorney.
— OK.. here it is, your record. "Houde Jean-Paul, Attorney"... Well, Mr. Houde, you died of old age, that's all.
— Old age? I'm only 45!
— Oh, I do not know. We've just added up the hours you billed your customers and it made 123 years!