Night Patrol

Night Patrol

A night patrol policeman and saw a parked car, illuminated by the inner light. He approached the car and saw a couple quietly installed.
A young man sitting in the vehicle steering wheel, flips a computer magazine while a young woman sitting in the back seat, knitting.
Curious to this strange situation, the official comes and knocks on the window. The young man down the window.

  • What are you doing there ? - Asks the puzzled policeman.
  • Well, I read a magazine!
    And pointing to the young woman, the policeman asks:
  • And she, what is she doing?
    The young man shrugs:
  • I think she is knitting a sweater.
    The officer is totally confused. A young couple alone in a car at night and nothing happens immoral!
    The policeman asks:
  • How old are you, young man?
  • I'm 22, sir.
  • And she, how old is she?
    The young man looks at his watch and said:
  • She turns 18 in 20 minutes.