Portfolio: Voix vivante (v3)
Discovering the voice - singing lessons in Nantes
Jokes: International Finance Course
International Finance Course Ireland A sulky day in a small moist village in the depths of Ireland. There is a pouring rain and the streets are…
Jokes: Did you drink ?
Did you drink ? Canada
Jokes: Shoes size
Shoes size Canada Take your calculator, or your pencil Put on your shoe size (no half size) multiplie by 5, add 50, multiplie the total by 20, adds…
Jokes: Grocery
Grocery France A waiting line in front of a closed store. Mohamed arrives, sees the line and doubles everyone. No chance, the first one who was in…
Jokes: Isn't that a miracle?
Isn't that a miracle? Belgium According to the Bible, Jesus was born in Bethlehem, in Palestine, a country where people are called Mohamed, Hassan,…
Jokes: Very brief school essay
Very brief school essay France Subject: Talk as concisely as possible on the following three topics: 1) Religion 2) Sexuality 3) Mystery Here is the…
Jokes: Sex of flies
Sex of flies France A woman enters her kitchen and finds her husband motionless with a fly-kill in his hand. — What are you doing ? — she asks. — I'm chasi…
Jokes: Bacon
Bacon England "Some people won't try bacon for religious reasons. I won't try religion for bacon reasons."
Jokes: I think, therefore I am
I think, therefore I am Switzerland It is Descartes who takes a beer at the bar. His glass being almost empty, the barman asks him: — Another one ? D…
Blog: Wittgenstein: Tractatus logico-philosophicus
1 . The world is everything that is the case. 2.014 The objects contain the possibility of all situations. 4. A thought is a proposition with a…
Jokes: Airport statistics
Airport statistics Canada Statistics accumulated at the end of December 2013 Dept. Airport Security P.E.Trudeau, Montreal Results of 3D laser scans…
Blog: Angry cards
Banana Finance Philippe Rekacewicz develops his cards on the basis of the statistical informations he collects and mentions at the bottom of…
Jokes: Generosity
Generosity France A French tourist specializing in bungee jumping goes to Morocco. Arriving at destination, he decides to jump from the top of a…
Jokes: Sin by omission
Sin by omission France An old Frenchman enters the confessional and says to the priest: — During the war I hid a young Jewish woman in the attic of m…
Jokes: The Sheep Theory
The Sheep Theory Canada A herd of sheep can only move at the speed of the slowest sheep. When the herd is chased, the slowest and weakest are…
Jokes: Aphorismes
Aphorismes USA It's not whether you win or lose, But how you place the blame. You are not drunk If you can lie on the floor without holding on. The…
Jokes: Irish confessional
Irish confessional United KIngdom An Irishman goes into the confessional box after years of being away from the Church. He is amazed to find a bar…
Jokes: Unintended consequences of plastic surgery
Unintended consequences of plastic surgery USA A 54 year old woman had a heart attack and was taken to the hospital. While on the…
Jokes: New mail
New mail USA A man was mowing his lawn, when he was distracted by his attractive neighbor who emerged from her house and went directly to her mailbox…
Jokes: 3rd World War plan
3rd World War plan Canada Barak Obama and Angela Merkel are eating at the White House. A guest approaches and asks: — What are you talking about ? — We …
Jokes: Catholic school
Catholic school Canada Mouloud has so bad marks that his parents decide to put him into a very strict Catholic school. In his first report, they…
Jokes: iPad - cutting board
iPad - cutting board Germany (the video would be much better without the american canned laughter track)
Jokes: In the desert
In the desert Canada Two very believing Islamic men walk through the desert. Mohammed says to Ahmed: — In the Quran it is written that your wife must w…
Jokes: Complete versus Finished
Complete versus Finished United Kingdom No dictionary has been able to adequately explain the difference between COMPLETE and FINISHED. However, in a…
Jokes: Night Patrol
Night Patrol A night patrol policeman and saw a parked car, illuminated by the inner light. He approached the car and saw a couple quietly installed.…
Portfolio: Les amis de Max Marchand, Mouloud Feraoun et de leurs compagnons
Association Les amis de Max Marchand, Mouloud Feraoun et de leurs compagnons
Jokes: Mohamed in Heaven
Mohamed in Heaven Canada A deceased Muslim arrives in Heaven. He is very excited, because all his life he was waiting to meet Mohamed. In front of…
Jokes: Archipelago
Archipelago USA On a chain of beautiful deserted islands in the middle of South Pacific, the following people are stranded: Two Italian men and one…
Jokes: WiFi
WiFi Canada "He has WiFi"
Jokes: Lake Tiberias
Lake Tiberias Canada A tourist visiting Israel wants to take a boat trip on Lake Tiberias. The manager announces the price: — That's two thousand p…
Portfolio: Roosevelt 2012
citizen movement +15.000 users
Jokes: Altar Boy's Confession
Altar Boy's Confession USA 'Bless me Father, for I have sinned. I have been with a loose girl.' The priest asks, 'Is that you, little Richie…
Jokes: Book: The technological revolution
Book: the technological revolution Spain You hesitate between the iPad2, Xoom, the IpadTouch and other digital tablets ? The following Spanish gem…
Jokes: Hardworking attorney
Hardworking attorney Canada An angry guy comes before St. Peter at the door of Heaven. — What am I doing here! — he yells. — Look at me, I do not drink…
Jokes: Missionary in the Jungle
Missionary in the Jungle USA A Priest was about to finish his tour of duty, and was leaving his Mission in the jungle where he has spent years…
Jokes: The next life of Woody Allen
My next life by Woody Allen USA In my next life I want to live my life backwards. You start out dead and get that out of the way. Then you wake up…
Jokes: Airports' Miss 2011 Calendar
Airports' Miss 2011 Calendar Canada
Jokes: Bathtub test
Bathtub test USA During a visit to my doctor, I asked him, "How do you determine whether or not an older person should be put in an old age…
Jokes: In the old days
In the old days Belgium The grandfather tells Jeremy, his little son, how life has changed since his youth... — You know Jeremy, when I was little, M…
Jokes: Stepmother
Stepmother France The husband and wife have an argument. The wife calls her mother and says: "I can not stand it, I return to live with…
Jokes: Why iPad will not replace a real newspaper
Why iPad will not replace a real newspaper USA
Jokes: Sarko and fortune-teller
Sarko and fortune-teller Francja Sarkozy consults a fortune-teller. Very concentrated, she closes her eyes and say: I see you go in a large avenue,…
Jokes: Pepper
Pepper Canada A Quebecker is on holidays in Toronto. From his hotel room he calls the reception and asks the attendant: — I need some Pepper. The a…
Jokes: Recognize
Recognize Canada 1) Which student seems tired ? 2) Where are the male twins ? 3) Where are the female twins ? 4) How many women are there in the…
Jokes: New Canadian dollars
New Canadian dollars Canada Due to the global war against terrorism, Canadians decided to remodel their currencies to prevent radical Muslims to…
Jokes: Draw Sarko
Draw Sarko France You also, learn to draw Sarko : Marc Large
Jokes: The new Health Care
The new Health Care USA The phone rings and the lady of the house answers — Hello — Mrs. Sanders, please. — Speaking. — Mrs. Sanders, this is Dr. Jones a…
Jokes: I'm broke means I'm broke
I'm broke means I'm broke USA A little old lady answered a knock on the door one day, only to be confronted by a well-dressed young man carrying a…
Jokes: Politics view by Devos
Politics view by Devos France Politics view by Raymond Devos, excellent French humorist (already passed away): — That, in politics, is the i…