This article has +5 years. Its content is probably outdated.
The website of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) provides an interesting interactive map:
There is more to life than the cold numbers of GDP and economic statistics – This Index allows you to compare well-being across countries, based on 11 topics the OECD has identified as essential, in the areas of material living conditions and quality of life:
Housing (your housing conditions and spendings)
Income (household income and financial wealth)
Jobs (earnings, job security and unemployment)
Community (quality of your social support network)
Education (your education and what you get out of it)
Environment (quality of your environment)
Civic Engagment (your involvement in democracy)
Health (how healthy you are)
Life Satisfaction (how happy you are)
Safety (murder and assault rates)
Work-Life Balance (how much you work, how much you play)