Selon IIF , fin 2018, la planète Terre était endettée à la hauteur de 318% du PIB mondial , soit ± 244 trillions de dollars. Sous l'endettement de la planète Terre, il convient d'entendre : 1. Dette publique → somme des emprunts contractés par les autorités centrales et locales…
Il existe un nombre impressionnant d'indicateurs économiques, et de développement. Les indicateurs économiques s'intéressent exclusivement aux éléments quantitatits, convertibles en argent ; les indicateurs de développement (dits composites ou synthétiques) tiennent compte d'autres aspects de la vie. To…
The website of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) provides an interesting interactive map: There is more to life than the cold numbers of GDP and economic statistics – This Index allows you to compare well-being across countries, based on 11 topics the OECD has i…
The 2019 edition of Oxfam's annual report revolves around the question "Public Good or private wealth?" Here is his summary: Boomtime for the world’s billionaires It is 10 years since the financial crisis that shook our world and caused enormous suffering. In that time, the fortunes of t…
Earth Overshoot Day (EOD), previously known as Ecological Debt Day (EDD), is the calculated illustrative calendar date on which humanity’s resource consumption for the year exceeds Earth’s capacity to regenerate those resources that year. Earth Overshoot Day is calculated by dividing the world bio…
Il semblerait que l'humanité devient de plus en plus stupide au lieu de devenir de plus en plus intelligente. Baisse du QI Les mauvaises nouvelles sont venues du nord de l'Europe. Dans les armées scandinaves, les jeunes appelés passent des tests du quotient intellectuel, toujours les mêmes depuis des…
Real-time World Qality Index. Click in the image below to see the real map in a new window. On mouse over a square you will get the name, location and the last measurement time of the concerned station The integrated search engine (magnifying glass icon) allows you to display data and forecasts…
"More than 80% of people living in urban areas that monitor air pollution are exposed to air quality levels that exceed the World Health Organization (WHO) limits. While all regions of the world are affected, populations in low-income cities are the most impacted." Source: WHO Global…
The Money Project , founded in 2015, develops original infographics for money. Below one of them. Beware of vertigo! COMPARING THE WORLD'S MONEY AND MARKETS each square of this size represents €100 billion BITCOIN The value of all bitcoins is roughly equal to $5 billion today. The m…
(if the counter display is blocked, visit Natonial Debt Clock directly) An interactive overview of government debt across the planet. Scroll down the clock window to choose a country and see the accumulation of interest of its debt in real time. Do not ask to whom the world owes so much…